// Mine Field --psm 98/08/22 × // Initial Phase messages > //put music cue before FLYB > > // ========================================================= // Execute Phase > > > > > Cardassian warship approaching.> > > If they are out of the area let's continue.> > > // ======================================== // Close Mission Phase on #closeMission // Closing Phase messages > // ============================================================== // Mission Overlay Tags //Command Event Overlays...may not be fully enabled // unrecoverable failures // SMF Shields Malfunction Responses // Conflict Resolution Overlay =================================== //see previous versions for previous versions --psm 98.09.19 // Negotiation Result: friendship > // Negotiation Result: hostility-->we then fightEnemy > // Negotiation Result: attack-->we then suffer enemyFire > // When the sim gets the "EnemyFire" command... // But if Phasers arent ready... --psm 98/09/30 // affect of our weapon on target: destroyed it > // affect of our weapon on target: disabled it > // affect of our weapon on target: small impact on it // affect of our weapon on target: slight dent // affect of our weapon on target: no effect // affect of our weapon on target: target invincible... // HQ Dialog Boxes____________________________________ // ENVIRONMENT OVERLAY DATA // Scan Result Overlay //end